Conferences and Workshops
Conferences attended:
- Workshop on Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra and knot invariants, Alfréd Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary (08.03.2019 - 10.03.2019)
- WinterBraids IX, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France (04.03.2019 - 07.03.2019)
- Gauge theory and applications, Universität Regensburg Regensburg, Germany (17.07.2018 - 27.07.2018)
- Khovanov Homotopy Type, Alfréd Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary (18.01.2018 - 21.01.2018)
- Thematic School on Quantum Topology and Geometry, CIMI, Toulouse, France (08.05.2017 - 13.05.2017)
- SMI course "Kähler-Einstein metrics", Palazzone, Cortona (30.04.2017 - 06.05.2017)
- PRIN Workshop on Geometry, Topology and Harmonic Analysis, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (20.02.2017 - 22.02.2017)
- Floer theories and low dimensional topology, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany (19.07.2016 - 22.07.2016)
- CEU Summer school in low-dimensional Topology, Alfréd Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary (04.07.2016 - 08.07.2016)
- ECSTATIC II, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom (13.06.2016 - 14.06.2016)
- WinterBraids VI, Université de Lille, Lille, France (22.02.2016 - 25.02.2016)
- ECSTATIC, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom (10.06.2015 - 11.06.2015)
- Perspectives in Lie Theory, Centro di Ricerca Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa (09.12.2014 - 28.02.2015)
- WinterBraids V, Université de Pau et Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France (16.02.2015 - 20.02.2015)
- The 10th William Rowan Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (24.08.2014 - 31.08.2014)
- Intensive Period on Teichmüller Theory and Surfaces in 3-Manifolds, Università di Pisa, Pisa (26.05.2014 - 20.06.2014)
- Master Class Around Thurston-Groethendieck-Teichmüller Theories, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (08.05.2014 -18.05.2014)
- Journées d'Algébre: Categorification et invariants de Noeuds, Université de Caen, Caen, France (27.03.2014 - 28.03.2014)
- Secondo Workshop su Varietà Reali e Complesse, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (20.02.2014 - 22.02.2014)
E-Mail Addresses:
carlo [dot] collari [dot] math[at]gmail [dot] com
cc6706[at] nyu [dot] edu